Beyond Our Understanding

Episode 1, Part 3 – Free Lee Harvey Oswald - Richard Hooke

Richard Hooke

Joe Sabatino meets with Richard Hooke, computer analyst for the photo of Oswald in the doorway. Hooke explains how he was lead to start his detailed research on Oswalds photo history. Hooke identifies Oswald as a U.S. spy in Russia and how that lead him to have the perfect story for being framed as the fall guy in the assassination. Hooke also reveals the lack of security even though Kennedy knew of previous assignation attempts. Hook also confirms 62 points of 100 percent proof that Oswald is in the doorway in the Algiers 6 photo.

Richard Hooke has a degree in Cultural Anthropology from UC Santa Barbara, is a former computer systems analyst for Bank of America and is a writer and researcher on the JFK assassination. He has proven astute at figuring out how images were altered and shifted to perpetrate the deception. Richard’s uncanny ability to communicate with graphics is exploited extensively on this site.

Image depicting a man who resembles Oswald at floor level of the Schoolbook Depository moments before the shooting began.
The Secret Service would later substitute another windshield with a spider-web-like configuration for the original, which had a dark hole in the center of the white, spiral nebula, in another blatant example of the alteration of evidence.

The Secret Service would later substitute another windshield with a spider-web-like configuration for the original, which had a dark hole in the center of the white, spiral nebula, in another blatant example of the alteration of evidence.

Beyond Our Understanding is a show on Actors Radio, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.