Beyond Our Understanding

Join Joe Sabatino as he investigates controversial subjects that may be beyond our understanding.

Episode 1, Part 1 – Free Lee Harvey Oswald - James "Jim" H. Fetzer

James "Jim" H. Fetzer

Joe Sabatino gets down to the facts with professor and writer James “Jim” H. Fetzer. Fetzer explains all the small details on the framing of Oswald. Fetzer also talks about the replication of the shooting conditions which disproves that there was only one shooter and that that shooter was Oswald. Fetzer continues with proof that there were 6 shooters. He also explains that the Zapruder footage was edited before it was brought to court and why JFK was shot for the polices he was enacting to bring America to a time of peace.

James H. Fetzer, Ph.D., is Chairman of the Oswald Innocence Campaign. He is a former Marine Corps officer and McKnight University Professor Emeritus and has chaired or co-chaired four national conferences on the death of JFK. He produced the documentary JFK: The Assassination, the Cover-Up, and Beyond (1994). He also edited Assassination Science (1998), Murder in Dealey Plaza (2000), and The Great Zapruder Film Hoax (2003). He co-edits the on-line journal with John Costella, and his regular column on Veterans Today magazine is one of the most widely read JFK columns in the world.

Backyard photo of Lee Harvey Oswald, which was published in "LIFE," was a fake.

Backyard photo of Lee Harvey Oswald, which was published in "LIFE," was a fake.

Stewart Galanor, "Cover-Up" (1968), Expanded

Stewart Galanor, "Cover-Up" (1968), Expanded

Texas School Book Depository Building and surrounding area. Stewart Galanor, "Cover-Up" (1968), Expanded

Texas School Book Depository Building and surrounding area. Stewart Galanor, "Cover-Up" (1968), Expanded

Beyond Our Understanding is a show on Actors Radio, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.

Episode 1, Part 2 – Free Lee Harvey Oswald - Peter Janney

Peter Janney

Joe Sabatino converses with writer and doctor Peter Janney. Janney asserts that Oswald was right when he told the world he was a patsy. Janney speaks about how JFK was at war with his cabinet and big business leaders. Janney also talks about how the CIA is the main force behind the assassination. Janney brings up secrets of Oswalds military life, JFKs connection to Mary Myers, and Janneys own connections to the CIA.

Peter Janney grew up in Washington D.C. during the Cold War era of the 1950s and 1960s. His father Wistar Janney was a senior career CIA official. The Janney family was intimately involved with many of the Washington political elite that included the family of Mary and Cord Meyer, as well as other high-ranking CIA officials such as Richard Helms, Jim Angleton, Tracy Barnes, Desmond FitzGerald, and William Colby. In his gripping book, Mary’s Mosaic, Peter illuminates a magnitude of real-life evil that most of us could never imagine.

Photo by Rober Groden, "JFK - Absolute Proof," showing Lee Harvey Oswald standing in the doorway of the Texas School Book Depository during the assassination.

Photo by Rober Groden, “JFK – Absolute Proof,” showing Lee Harvey Oswald standing in the doorway of the Texas School Book Depository during the assassination.

Beyond Our Understanding is a show on Actors Radio, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.

Episode 1, Part 3 – Free Lee Harvey Oswald - Richard Hooke

Richard Hooke

Joe Sabatino meets with Richard Hooke, computer analyst for the photo of Oswald in the doorway. Hooke explains how he was lead to start his detailed research on Oswalds photo history. Hooke identifies Oswald as a U.S. spy in Russia and how that lead him to have the perfect story for being framed as the fall guy in the assassination. Hooke also reveals the lack of security even though Kennedy knew of previous assignation attempts. Hook also confirms 62 points of 100 percent proof that Oswald is in the doorway in the Algiers 6 photo.

Richard Hooke has a degree in Cultural Anthropology from UC Santa Barbara, is a former computer systems analyst for Bank of America and is a writer and researcher on the JFK assassination. He has proven astute at figuring out how images were altered and shifted to perpetrate the deception. Richard’s uncanny ability to communicate with graphics is exploited extensively on this site.

Image depicting a man who resembles Oswald at floor level of the Schoolbook Depository moments before the shooting began.
The Secret Service would later substitute another windshield with a spider-web-like configuration for the original, which had a dark hole in the center of the white, spiral nebula, in another blatant example of the alteration of evidence.

The Secret Service would later substitute another windshield with a spider-web-like configuration for the original, which had a dark hole in the center of the white, spiral nebula, in another blatant example of the alteration of evidence.

Beyond Our Understanding is a show on Actors Radio, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.

Episode 1, Part 4 – Free Lee Harvey Oswald - Larry Rivera

Larry Rivera

Joe Sabanto interviews a document mole for the Free Lee Oswald movement, Larry Rivera. Rivera promotes ideas that in the Algiers 6 photo Oswald is in the doorway. Rivera also talks about Harold Wieisberg books which highlights this proof when analyzing Oswalds’ shirt. Rivera also believes through his research that there were 12-14 bullets shot and about 4 attack teams on that fatal day. Sabanto finds out about the list of possible groups of shooters for JFk and rivera reveals the details of previous attempts on JFk in Miami and Chicago.

Larry Rivera was born in Alaska, the son of a career military man who served as CID officer in the Army. He was in Germany on 11/22/63, age 6, and will never forget his father’s reaction upon hearing of JFK’s murder (“Johnson!”) Larry is a Certified Network Engineer and also owns an automotive wholesale parts business. He has made a lifelong study of the JFK assassination, making his first trip to Dealey Plaza in 1991. He attended ASK Symposium in 1993 for the 30th anniversary. He has given interviews about the assassination to Spanish media. Larry has assembled the most complete dossier on Billly Nolan Lovelady ever done.

The Escort Officers from Pictures of the Pain by Richard Trask (1994)

The Escort Officers from Pictures of the Pain by Richard Trask (1994)

Rivera Scan from original copy of The Saturday Evening Post, referred to as "The Miller Photograph" (14 December 1963)

Rivera Scan from original copy of The Saturday Evening Post, referred to as “The Miller Photograph” (14 December 1963)

Beyond Our Understanding is a show on Actors Radio, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.

Episode 1, Part 5 – Free Lee Harvey Oswald - Ralph Cinque

Ralph Cinque

Joe Sabatino talks with Ralph Cinque the “heartbeat” of the Free Lee Oswald movement. Ralph, after years of doing tons of reading, photo analysis, and having strong chiropractic knowledge believes that there is no plausible way Oswald was the shooter. Comparing photos from the shooting and after Cinque explains how the photos were doctored and highlights points of reference in Algiers 6 photos during the shooting to the police photos taken after. He also explains the vast amount of effort the government has gone through to discredit conspiracy theories. He also disproves the government story of the one magic bullet with his medical knowledge. That until the fatal head shot JFK was not fatally injured.

Ralph C. Cinque has worked in the health field as a chiropractor and health spa operator, and he is the former president of an international physicians group. Ralph has also been an avid student of the JFK assassination for many years, and he has had his articles on the assassination published on Veterans Today and on– one of the most widely read alternative news sites in the world.

Lee Harvey Osward Photos

Lee Harvey Osward Photos

Beyond Our Understanding is a show on Actors Radio, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.

Episode 1, Part 6 – Free Lee Harvey Oswald - Phillip Nelson

Phillip Nelson

Phillip Nelson

Joe Sabatino Sits down with writer Phillip Nelson to discuss another side of the story and what he calls the biggest threat to JFK, Lyndon Johnson. Nelson believes that Lyndon Johnson had planned this assassination for years. Nelson explains Lyndon Johnsons unstable mindset, psychopathic tendences and unhealthy obsession with being president. Lyndon Johnson goes so far to have texas government change the law so he would be able to run for two seats at the same time. Nelson also tells us that JFK was quoted saying that Lyndon Johnson was a chronic liar. In this interview we get a glimpse of the strings that Nelson ties together from multiple different books to give us a clear portrayal of Lyndon Johnson and his intentions towards JFK and the presidency.

Phillip F. Nelson is the author of LBJ: The Mastermind of the JFK Assassination, in which he contends that Johnson was a cardinal instigator of the plot to kill JFK. LBJ conceived of it perhaps as early as 1961 before enlisting others in 1962-63 to handle its design and execution. Phillip explains how Johnson was uniquely positioned to assemble all the key men–from the financiers to the operational planners and the cover-up experts–to complete the job. And it was all done at the expense of a “patsy” named Lee Harvey Oswald.

Beyond Our Understanding is a show on Actors Radio, a channel on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.